
Every ten years the federal government conducts a census, or count, of everyone regardless of age and citizenship status. Census data is then used to determine how many representatives each state shall have and for the redrawing of electoral district boundaries. The last redistricting process took place in 2021. For the City of Reno, it took place in 2023, this is in part because a city charter* required the city to eliminate its at-large district and replace it with a sixth ward.

You can find your representatives in Clark County here. Insert your address in the search field. Then click on the “elected officials” tab on the left-hand side. It will show the county commissioner, city ward, congressional, US senate, state senate, state assembly, school district, university regent, and board of education.

You can find your representatives in Washoe County here. Insert your address in the search field, under “voter information.” It will show you the state senate, state assembly, board of education, board of regents, county commissioner, and city ward. The congressional representative for northern Nevada is Congressional District 2.

*City Charter: A city charter is like a constitution for a city. It's a legal document that outlines the city's powers, structure of government, and rules for how it operates.